Fast Statistics Crack+ Serial Number Full Torrent [Mac/Win] Data and File Management: ■ Browse, save, and rename your files ■ Open and close workbook by clicking on it or press Ctrl+O ■ Resize and print charts and workbook pages ■ Move charts, charts, and worksheet within workbook ■ Export and import HTML Statistical and Graphical Analysis report Simulation and Distributions: ■ Random number generator: High quality, true random number generator that supports a large range of numbers ■ Density, distribution, and inverse cumulative distribution functions: With simple and intuitive interface, from density to probability plot to cumulative density function and inverse cumulative density function. Two types of support of Input: Either type data with real or integer values, or the standard normal distribution ■ Hypothesis test: Sign test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, Z test, T test, Chi squared test, F test Analysis of Variance: One way ANOVA, Two way ANOVA, Interaction plot, Main effect plot Regression: Multiple linear regression, Dummy-variable regression, Non-linear regression Nonparametrics: Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis Goodness of Fit: ■ Goodness of fit statistics for ANOVA: F-statistic, T-statistic, F-ratio, Sum-of-squares, Mean-squares, d.f., F-statistic for regression ■ Coefficient of determination ■ Nonparametric confidence intervals and testing ■ Hausdoff-Mallows test, Royston Pakes test, Bootstrap ■ P-Values for various statistical tests ■ Coefficient of correlation ■ General linear models: X, Y regression, Box-cox regression ■ Reliability analysis ■ Design of experiments ■ Statistical process control ■ CUSUM chart: Start time and threshold ■ Basic Graph: Line, HorizLine, Area, Point(Scatter), Bar, HorizBar, Pie, Shapes, Stairs Line, Arrows, Bubble ■ Statistical Graph: Histogram, Box plot, Contour, Time series plot, 3D plot, Probability plot ■ Quality Control Charts: X chart, R chart, S chart, P chart, NP chart, C chart, U chart, Pare Fast Statistics Crack Full Product Key For PC ■ Capability analysis to analyze data sets ■ Capability analysis calculates the capability index, capability and capability index range, capability index standard deviation, standard deviation percentage, percentage of uncritical defects, percentile and percentile distribution ■ Capability index - to define the limit of acceptable performance, based on acceptable percentiles of defect size ■ Capability index range - for a given capability index value, it provides an interval in which the defects are located ■ Capability index standard deviation - to define the acceptable limits of defect sizes, based on capability index ■ Capability index percentiles - to define the limits of acceptable size of defects ■ Defect size - defects must be less than the limit of defects as specified by the capability index range ■ Defect size percentage - defects must be less than the given percentage of the total defects ■ Defect size percentile - defects must be less than the given percentile ■ Defects per thousand - it is the total number of defects divided by the total number of defects plus the total number of non-defects ■ Defects per million - it is the total number of defects divided by the total number of defects plus the total number of non-defects ■ Defects per percent - it is the total number of defects divided by the total number of defects plus the total number of non-defects ■ Defects density - it is the total number of defects divided by the area (in square mm) where the defects are present ■ Capability index range - for a given capability index value, it provides an interval in which the defects are located ■ Capability index - for a given capability index value, it provides an interval in which the defects are located ■ Defects size - defects must be less than the limit of defects as specified by the capability index range ■ Defects size percent - defects must be less than the given percentage of the total defects ■ Defects size percentiles - defects must be less than the given percentile ■ Defects per thousand - it is the total number of defects divided by the total number of defects plus the total number of non-defects ■ Defects per million - it is the total number of defects divided by the total number of defects plus the total 83ffb96847 Fast Statistics Crack Full Product Key Fast Statistics is a Statistical and Graphical Analysis program for MS Excel, it can work as an Excel add-in and stand-alone software without excel installed, perform from basic data manipulations to the most advanced statistical analyses and produce sophisticated reports and charts. This is a ideal tool for Six Sigma, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, regression, dummy regression, intelligent data input, factor analysis, nonlinear regression, box plots, nonparametric tests, and correspondence analysis. Fast Statistics includes more than 50 functions covering data and statistical-analysis requirements (preparing, describing, analyzing, and modeling data). Excel utilities have also been included to facilitate charting and data manipulation. Complementary modules are available. Fast Statistic also gives professionals engaged in quality improvement the powerful, reliable, and easy to use tools they need to effectively analyze hard data while managing large and complex projects. It is the ideal package for Six Sigma and other quality improvement projects. From Statistical Process Control to Design of Experiments, it offers you the methods you need to implement every phase of your quality project. Here are some key features of "Fast Statistics": Easy to Use ■ works as an Excel Add-ins ■ Read and edit Excel 95/97/2000/XP files (do not need MS Excel installation) ■ Intelligent data input system ■ Comprehensive HTML Help Data and File Management ■ Export HTML Statistical and Graphical Analysis report ■ Import and export: Excel, text, and other data formats ■ Import Microsoft Excel workbook sheets individually ■ support import currency formats ■ Data manipulation ■ Search and replace in Data window ■ support Double-precision worksheets Simulation and Distributions ■ Random number generator ■ Density, distribution, and inverse cumulative distribution functions Statistics ■ Basic statistics: Display descriptive statistic, Correlation, Covariance ■ Hypothesis test: Sign test, Wilcoxon rank sum test, Z test, T test, Chi squared test, F test ■ Analysis of Variance(ANOVA): One way ANOVA, Two way ANOVA, Interaction plot, Main effect plot ■ Regression: Multiple linear regression, Dummy-variable regression, Non-linear regression ■ Nonparametrics : Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis ■ Goodness What's New In Fast Statistics? #10. Generate chart for JSP #10.1. Create chart to show number of comments in comments.jsp #10.2. Create chart to show the number of comments received per day in comments.jsp #10.3. Create chart to show the number of comments in comments.jsp System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Windows 7 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10 x64 Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E7300, Intel Core i3 3320, AMD Athlon II X4 620, AMD Phenom II X4 940 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS, ATI Radeon HD 2600, Intel HD Graphics 3000 DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 8 GB available space Sound Card: DirectSound Additional Notes: A Dual
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